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Språkbanken Text is a department within Språkbanken.


Språkbanken's research unit develops state-of-the-art language technology and pursues theoretical and practical aims within different research areas. Our research focuses both on language technology itself (creating comprehensive, high-quality resources that are needed to develop tools and algorithms) and on questions from other disciplines.
Umbrella project
HUMINFRA  är en ny distribuerad, nationell infrastruktur för forskning inom humaniora, konst och samhällsvetenskap.
  • Gerlof Bouma
  • Dana Dannélls
  • Markus Forsberg
  • Dimitrios Kokkinakis
  • Elena Volodina
This project uses Construction Grammar to develop a linguistic network that (a) accounts for Swedish grammatical constructions and (b) connects them to constructions in other languages.
  • Benjamin Lyngfelt
  • Maia Andreasson
  • Kristian Blensenius
  • Linnea Bäckström
  • Steffen Höder
  • Peter Ljunglöf
  • Jonatan Uppström
  • linguistic typology
Accessibility of research data is critical for advances in many research fields, but textual data often cannot be shared due to the presence of personal and sensitive information, e.g names, political opinions. GDPR suggests pseudonymization as a solution, but we need to learn more about it before adopting it for manipulation of research data.
  • Elena Volodina
  • Simon Dobnik
  • Xuan-Son Vu
  • Therese Lindström Tiedemann
  • pseudonymization
  • research data
  • språkteknologi
  • allmän lingvistik
  • svenska som andraspråk
  • pseudonymisering
  • dataintegritet
  • forskningsdata
Inom ramarna för projektet förvaltas och vidareutvecklas Svenska Akademiens lexikala databas (Salex). Vidare bedrivs arbete med Svenska Akademiens båda samtidsordböcker Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) och Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien (SO). Arbetet sker på uppdrag av och i samarbete med Svenska Akademien.
  • Kristian Blensenius
  • Markus Forsberg
  • Louise Holmer
  • Hans Landqvist
  • Stellan Petersson
  • Emma Sköldberg
  • Jonatan Uppström
  • Ann Lillieström
A joint project between Språkbanken Text, FLoV and CLASP, with the purpose of creating and exploring methods for argumentation technology.
  • Anna Lindahl
  • Stian Rødven-Eide
  • Axel Almquist
  • Bill Noble
  • Christine Howes
  • Ellen Breitholtz
  • Vladislav Maraev
  • Martin Kaså
  • linguistics
  • computational linguistics
  • argumentation
  • text
  • dialogue
  • pragmatics
  • semantics
  • politics
  • forum
  • online discussion
  • argumentation technology
  • argument mining
Developing tools for systematic studies of text classification
  • Niklas Zechner
This program has two main aims, firstly to develop corpus-based methods for detecting semantic change (over time) and variation (across social groups and media). This will create general tools for the study and detection of language change at large-scale and directly benefit historical linguistics and lexicography. Secondly, we will collaborate with researchers from social sciences, gender studies, and literature to answer their research questions. We will develop tools, evaluation data, and research methodology for their specific needs.
  • Nina Tahmasebi
  • Simon Hengchen
  • Haim Dubossarsky
  • Dominik Schlechtweg
  • Shafqat Virk
  • Emma Sköldberg
  • Mats Malm
  • Mia Liinason
  • Sarah Valdez
  • Dirk Geeraerts
  • Stefano de Pascale
  • lexical-semantic-change
The market Language primarily is funded by MAW in which we look at the changing concepts around “the market”. They have transitioned from implying a concrete physical market to increasingly abstract markets like Europe-wide iron markets, as well as marriage and dating markets. They have also increasingly become actors in our lives, “the market reacted badly to the new corona restrictions”. We will complement the conceptual historians in-depth analyses with computational models of change. This project ranges 2022-2025.
  • Henrik Björck
  • Shafqat Virk
  • Claes Ohlsson

On Friday morning (9-12) we will update and restart all servers which will lead to short interruptions in our services. This includes our site.