Gerlof Bouma, Evie Coussé
Hulpwerkwoorden stapelen – toen en nu, in
Wat gebeurt er in het Nederlands? : over taal, frequentie en variatie / Redactie Nicoline van der Sijs, Lauren Fonteyn en Marten van der Meulen, pages
Gerlof Bouma, Evie Coussé, Trude Dijkstra, Nicoline van der Sijs
The EDGeS Diachronic Bible Corpus, in
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), May 11-16, 2020, Marseille, France
Gerlof Bouma
Exploring Combining Training Datasets for the CLIN 2019 Shared Task on Cross-genre Gender Detection in Dutch, in
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol 2453. Proceedings of the Shared Task on Cross-Genre Gender Prediction in Dutch at CLIN29 (GxG-CLIN29) co-located with the 29th Conference on Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN29). Groningen, The Netherlands, January 31, 2019. Edited by Hessel Haagsma, Tim Kreutz, Masha Medvedeva, Walter Daelemans and Malvina Nissim
Jean Vancoppenolle, Eric Tabbert, Gerlof Bouma, Manfred Stede
A German Grammar for Generation in OpenCCG, in
H. Hedeland, T. Schmidt, K. Wörner (eds.): Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proc. of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL), Hamburg, 2011. Working Papers in Multilingualism, Series B, issue
96, pages